Spotted Python (Antaresia maculosa)

The spotted python, Antaresia maculosa, is the largest member of the genus Antaresia.
Although most specimens stay between 3 - 4 feet, lengths up to 5 feet have been recorded.
The species is characterised by the ragged edged, dark brown or black blotches on a lighter, brown background.
The blotches can be separated or joined - forming a weavy dorsal stripe.
Spotted pythons live in a variety of habitats - rainforests, forests, grasslands, woodlands and rocky areas.
They occur from the tip of the Cape York peninsula in northern Queensland,
down the coast on the east side of the Great Dividing Range, to northeastern New South Wales.
They can also be found on several islands along the coast of Queensland.
Wild spotted pythons eat rodents, birds, lizards, frogs and bats. In captivity, they are usually fed rodents - mice and rats.
Antaresia maculosa is the most common species in captivity of all the genus Antaresia. It is one of the easiest pythons to maintain.
Available pet snakes  |
None at the moment
All 2006 babies are sold! The next breeding season has started and my snakes are mating. Next year I will be
expecting ball pythons, Irian Jaya carpet pythons, Dumeril's boas, blood pythons, Children's pythons,
Kenyan sand boas, spotted pythons and perhaps some others. For availability, check me out often!