Antaresia pythons 4 species

There are four species of the group Antaresia. They all live in Australia. All of them are one of the smallest pythons in the world (the Anthill python
is actually the smallest python in the world!).
To read more about any particular species follow the links below:
- Anthill Python - Antaresia perthensis
- Children's Python - Antaresia childreni
- Stimson's Python - Antaresia stimsoni
- Spotted Python - Antaresia maculosa
Available pet snakes  |
None at the moment
All 2006 babies are sold! The next breeding season has started and my snakes are mating. Next year I will be
expecting ball pythons, Irian Jaya carpet pythons, Dumeril's boas, blood pythons, Children's pythons,
Kenyan sand boas, spotted pythons and perhaps some others. For availability, check me out often!